The Number One Reason to Become a PF? Revenue… and Lots of It!

With PF WORLD 2019 just weeks away, the agenda has been finalized and our speakers are ready to give you all the information you need to make this model successful for you.

Software providers stand to gain a substantial revenue stream with the payment facilitator model, but it’s far from a plug-and-play approach. You have to know the ins and outs of the PF landscape in order to make this model successful for you. So for this, we give you Day 1.

The first day of the conference drills down into the payment facilitator model, landscape and future in the marketplace. Poynt CEO and Founder Osama Bedier kicks us off with his keynote address: Will being a PF make your business more profitable? Opportunity knocks shortly after with a session about the expected and unexpected benefits of becoming a PF.

The later part of the morning offers a three-part session, moderated by DoubleRich Partner Rick Oglesby, that covers the PF ecosystem and the major decisions a software company has to make when becoming a payment facilitator.

The first part features ScanSource Sr. Product Engineer Brandon Audisio, BridgePay Network Solutions Chief Revenue Officer Carlee Hudachko, Very Good Security CEO Mahmoud Abdelkader and Poynt Head of Srategic Partnerships Mustafa Shehabi. It covers:

  • How transactions are handled and secured at the POS
  • The risks and rewards of stand-alone versus integrated gateway options

Following this is a panel discussion with these representatives from several notable processorsregarding what they provide to the ecosystem and how to best work with them:

  • Bank of America SVP Business Development Wil Cothran
  • Worldpay Strategic Sales Executive Todd Stone
  • ProPay Business Development Executive Heidi Ablowitz

And finally, we close the session out with Technology Tools for Success: What technology (from boarding, to underwriting to back-office tools) do you need to achieve success as a PF? For this, we give you LexisNexis Director of Sales Linda Spinner and Infinicept CEO Todd Ablowitz.

And this is just the first half of the day! Are you really willing to miss out on all this valuable information?

PFs are expected to generate $4 billion in payments revenue by 2021. Come join us to find out how to claim your share of it!