Posts Tagged ‘BSA’
What is KYC, and What Does it Mean for Payment Facilitators?
The payments ecosystem is steeped in acronyms. One of the most critical, affecting payment facilitators from the outset of their relationships with their submerchants, is the acronym KYC.
Read MorePCI and Payment Facilitation: What are PFs Responsible For?
Companies that choose to integrate payments into their B2B software offerings must consider risk from a number of perspectives. This week, we report on some of the fundamental issues and decision points behind payment facilitators’ relationship with the industry data security standard.
Read MoreMoney Transmission in the Payment Facilitator Model
The payment facilitator model continues to grow in popularity in the merchant acquiring space as a way to board merchants quickly and with minimal friction. While there are many benefits to this model, payment facilitators and their sponsoring banks and processors should be aware of the potential money transmission risks.
Read MoreYou, Me, and Everyone You Know – The Impact of FinCEN’s Beneficial Ownership Requirements
If you’re a payment facilitator, how much do you currently know about the owners of your sub-merchant customers? If you’re a processor, how much do you know about the owners of your payment facilitator customer’s sub-merchant customers? And if you’re a bank, how much do you know about the owners of your processor customer’s payment facilitator customer’s sub-merchant customers (who are, technically, also your customers)?
Read MoreNY DFS Fines Western Union $60 Million for Anti-Money Laundering Violations
The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has fined Western Union for failure to implement effective anti-money laundering compliance programs in-house and for failure to report suspicious activity – some of which could have facilitated human trafficking.
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