Posts Tagged ‘merchant acquirer’
What is the Relationship Between Payment Facilitators and Merchant Acquirers?
Perhaps no relationship is more important to a payment facilitator than the one they have with a merchant acquirer.
Read MoreGrowing Payment Facilitator Market Creates Industry Opportunity: Report
A recent report detailed a healthy forecast for the growth of the payment facilitator market, which has the potential to reach $4 trillion in gross payments volume by 2025.
This is, of course, good for the companies that are choosing to become PFs. But it’s also good for other players in the payments ecosystem.
Read MoreNew Sponsor Banks: What You Should Consider Before Sponsoring Payment Facilitators
For banks, deciding to sponsor payment facilitators is a balance of risks and rewards. It allows them to expand and broaden their merchant base. It also provides additional revenue from their transaction fees.
But enabling access to the payments system is not a function to be taken lightly.
Read MoreHow Payment Facilitators Can Select a Sponsor Bank with Confidence
A payment facilitator’s relationship with its sponsor bank is a critical one. When the bank’s own operations are going smoothly, transactions flow freely and the PF is free to concentrate on growing its business and serving its customers.
But any disruption at the bank has the potential to impact the PF’s business as well.