Posts Tagged ‘Onboarding’
Stripe Expands Onboarding Options for Marketplaces
Online payments provider Stripe is expanding the use of its Express accounts to allow marketplaces to onboard businesses quickly and easily.
Read MoreMerchant Services Giant Chase to Acquire Leading PF WePay
JPMorgan Chase & Co. plans to acquire payments platform and leading payment facilitator WePay.
Read MoreBuilding the Next Amazing Marketplace? Your Top Five Payment API Must-Haves
If you’re familiar with payment facilitation, chances are that you’re already savvy about payments. As a payment facilitator, you become a “mini-acquirer,” managing your own community of merchants.
Payment facilitation can be critical to enabling new business models, but for developers it can present gnarly technical challenges. The top five “must-haves” for payment facilitator APIs are described below.
Read MoreIs Frictionless Onboarding Too Risky?
With frictionless underwriting, it’s easy to sign up for merchant accounts in seconds. If that’s the case, what’s to keep bad actors from signing up for multiple accounts, with multiple service providers?
In the latest in our series of industry perspectives on frictionless onboarding, we talk to Danny Klein, the COO of cyber risk intelligence provider EverCompliant, about how risk has evolved along with the practice.
Read MoreQ&A: The Risks and Benefits of Frictionless Underwriting
The advent of frictionless underwriting turned the payments world on its head. The ability to onboard merchants quickly with a minimum of fuss has enabled small merchants to accept payments more easily, clearing the way for many more to enter the market.
But the practice does have its downside. Lowering barriers to entry into the payments system lowers them for everyone, not just the good guys. With that in mind, is beginning a series on the perils and the benefits of frictionless underwriting.
Read MorePodcast: Getting the Most Out of Underwriting Tools
In this week’s podcast, we talk to Marcus Smith, senior vice president of Risk Management for iPayment, a provider of payment solutions and processing services, about the tools used in underwriting submerchants.
Smith points out that while underwriting tools themselves are relatively simple, interpreting the results effectively requires some training.
Read MorePodcast: Underwriting Submerchants – How Responsible Are Acquirers?
Last week, we spoke with Deana Rich about the special considerations behind underwriting payment facilitators. This week we take our focus on underwriting in the payment facilitator space a step farther. We talk with Eric Haru, executive vice president, Risk and Compliance, for Merchant e-Solutions about underwriting submerchants.
Read MoreHow To Get Cracking On Your PayFac-ing
There are at least two great reasons to jump into the payment facilitator game– increased revenues and market share—and many many tools to help. One of those tools is advice from the hard-won success achieved by those who have made the leap.
In a session on the ins and outs of starting a payfac at the second annual Payment Facilitator Day at Transact16 in April, Kevin Harris of RunSignUp said training people was more of a challenge than software concerns, and David Weiss of Yapstone shared the difficulties of international expansion. Nick Starai of gateway tech company NMI told the audience to concentrate on the business they know best rather than focus on technological bells and whistles. The highlights of the discussion fill this week’s podcast, the next best thing to having been there.
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